Children’s and Youth Art Programs & Lesson Plans


Baby Dragons and Creative Clay

While creating a series of whimsical creatures as “baby dragons”, students learn the basics of hand-forming and joining clay. More advanced forming, joining, and building techniques are taught as the workshop continues.  The more adept students will be able to make clay vessels 6” to 10” tall during their 4th session.





Basic Symmetrical Design And 3-Color Patterning

1 to 3-day projects include eye-dazzling insects and masks. 4 to 6-day projects include 3-dimensional drawings and colorful free-standing sculptures. 7 to 10-day projects may include sculptures, wearable art, masks, headdresses and body suits; sets, props and costumes for original or scripted plays, parades, and performances.





Kids Art Crawlers

Kids’ Art Crawlers have been used to highlight portions of student plays, parades, and “half time” during basket ball games. Really large cardboard boxes, such as those that automobile wind -shields are shipped in allow for many kids to fit within and act as engines. There have even been relay races run with Kids’ Art Crawlers, just for the fun of it!





Monster Hands

Individual molds are made from each student’s hands in a moist mixture of builders’ sand and dry clay. The sand molds are then filled with plaster of Paris.  Some of the molding sand gets imbedded within the cast plaster surface, resulting in realistic to grotesquely shaped hands.





Sculpture in Paper, Posterboard and Carboard

Students initially engage in warm-up exercises on paper, in symmetrical design and 3-color patterning. This is followed by more advanced demonstrations of folded, cut, and slotted creations in posterboard. The use of symbolism, as well as positive and negative space is considered.





Seminars in African Art with Related Art Projects

7 to 10 class sessions, adaptable for grades 3 through 8, High School and Adult. Goals: Introduce African masks and culture in an understandable manner.  Elaborate the concepts of masking and parading into an art form and celebration. Instill an awareness of color theory and symbolism related to design, pattern and culture for the purpose of self-expression.





Sets, Props, Masks and Costumes for Original or Scripted Plays, Performances and Parades

5 to 10 class sessions, adaptable for grades 2 through 8, High School and Adult. Students create their own characters, props and settings in paper and poster-board, using pencils, scissors, staplers, colored markers or crayons. 6th grade and older students may choose to work in cardboard, using hot glue guns, sharp utility knives, tempera paints and brushes, and 4 to 5 large, clean and flattened cardboard boxes per student. Considerably more storage and work space is needed for projects in cardboard.





The Great Temporary and Permanent Kid’s Art Mural Project

8 to 15 class sessions, adaptable for grades K through 8, High School and Adult. Preliminary exercises and seminars on patterning and symbolism of color and shapewill begin the process. Individually designed symbols of their childhood culture, or symbols and images of whatever theme is chosen for the mural will be incorporated within the shapes created by overlapping figures.